Ok, so it was a couple of days ago when I realized that Easter was THIS WEEKEND!
Holy bananas! It was then I grabbed an envelope from a bill I just opened (cause I'm organized like that), and commenced to writing out my to do list on it in order to be ready for Easter.
My List
- Buy Easter Candy (Have hubby hide it, so I don't eat it!)
- Find Easter baskets
- Buy annoying plastic shredded grass for baskets
Buy egg coloring kitBONUS! Found an extra from last year!- Buy eggs. (This may seem odd since we own laying hens...but we only have brown egg layers. Ever try to dye brown eggs? Ya, not so easy.)
- Figure out Easter breakfast and dinner menu
- Figure out Easter craft with kids. (Geode Easter Eggs?)
Our regular routine for Easter is: Night before Easter, we color eggs, and then watch Peter Cottontail, you know the old version, I loved it growing up, and now it's our tradition.
Wake up at the tiniest crack of dawn, to kids squealing and piling in our bed, hubby crawls down the hall to the kitchen to make a survival pot of coffee.
Me, holding kids back , literally, so no one spies the "hidden" Easter eggs before the "Great Hunt" begins. (We have to hide the eggs inside...one of the downfalls of living on a farm...otherwise the cats, dogs, possums, and coons would have themselves a tasty Easter treat. And, well, I'm just not that nice). All the while I'm yelling at hubby to grab the camera on his way back from the kitchen. Kids then run down the hall to the kitchen, spy their goodies in their baskets on the kitchen table, ooh and aah for a moment before they dump goodies onto said table, shove a piece of candy in their mouth, and take off with their basket to hunt for the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid during the night.
I would then make some sort of egg concoction (scrambled, frittata, omelet, etc...) with bacon or sausage, call it good, and try to keep the kids from going into a sugar coma.
About noonish, I usually start on a ham, special scalloped potatoes, corn pudding, asparagus, rolls, and some sort of fruit pie.
Well, this year, I'm gonna change just a few things up a little bit. Night before activities will stay the same....going to get the coffee ready the night before and set the timer.....put my camera on my nightstand....and this year I'm going to make....drum roll please.....HOT CROSS BUNS!! It use to be a tradition in my house growing up. But, I've looked for those babies high and low.... everywhere, and nobody sells them anymore. I guess maybe, if you went to a special bakery or pastry shop, you might find them, but not in these parts!
Well, this year, I'm going to make them! I'm so excited....just wish my mama was here to eat them with us.
My Easter links:

Hot Cross Buns Recipe This is The Pioneer Woman's recipe! (Love that woman!)
Geode Easter Eggs
What are your family's Easter traditions?
Tomorrow, I'm going to post recipes for my Easter dinner......
Off to find my bunny spirit,
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